Performance dashboard

We continue to build the bridge to a better future.

After year one of our four-year strategic plan, we’re confident in our direction. We’ve refreshed and recalibrated our previous strategy, making targeted refinements to reflect where we’ve been and where we want to go, all the while staying oriented to our purpose.

Our strategic performance dashboard

Our 2023 to 2026 strategic plan has five strategic dimensions. Our Co‑operative Identity is the dimension at the heart of our strategy. The outcomes we deliver rest in the dimensions of Client Engagement and Profitability and Growth. Finally, the dimensions of Business Capabilities and Workforce Capabilities enable us to achieve our strategy.

Why we do everything the way that we do it

Co‑operative Identity

What outcomes we’ll deliver

Client Engagement
Profitability and Growth

How we’ll get there

Business Capabilities
Workforce Capabilities

Co‑operative identity

Being a co-operative is core to our identity, and to our business. We will continue to be invaluable to the co‑operative system.

Our balance sheet position remains strong, with almost

$1.46 billion

Target: $1.6 billion by the end of 2026
Status: On track

Member engagement

Status: On track

Community contributions

Target: 4% to 4.5% of net income before taxes each year
Status: Achieved

Client engagement

We will be the leader in client experience and will be recognized as a provider of holistic financial services.

Co‑operators brand awareness

Target: Within 5% of Insurance & Wealth Competitor Average by the end of 2026
Status: On track

Omni channel client experience

Tied for 3rd

Target: Top 5 Relationship NPS among our peer group by the end of 2026
Status: On track

Profitability and growth

We will be competitive and drive profitability and growth through operational excellence and focused execution.

Operating revenue growth

$5.81 billion

Target: $7.7 billion by the end of 2026
Status: Above expectations

Wealth assets under management/administration growth

$5.79 billion

Target: 7.9 billion by the end of 2026
Status: Above expectations

Operating revenue growth

982,547 clients

Target: 1.07 million by the end of 2026
Status: Above expectations

CGL operating revenue growth excluding private passenger

$4.04 billion

Target: $5.4 billion by the end of 2026
Status: Above expectations

Advisors’ operating revenue growth excluding private passenger

$287 million

Target: $345 million by the end of 2026
Status: On track

P&C expense ratio

Target: At or better than industry by the end of 2026
Status: On track

P&C combined ratio

Target: 95.7% by the end of 2026
Status: Below expectations

Life general expense ratio

Target: 17.5% by the end of 2026
Status: Below expectations

Life return on equity (shareholder)

Target: 13% to 17% each year
Status: Exceeded

CGL return on equity

Target: 10% to 12% each year
Status: Not achieved

Business capabilities

We will enhance and build key capabilities to enable us to be successful today and into the future.



Emerging business models

We launched our first embedded insurance application programming interfaces (API) for events and tenant insurance. An API allows for communication between our IT infrastructure and that of our partners, enabling them to seamlessly embed the insurance experience directly into their app, platform, or website.

Adjacent business models

We invested in HomePorter, a company with an innovative home management platform that seeks to make homeowners’ lives easier and more resilient. Homeowners are connected with trained professionals to receive unbiased advice and quality services to support them throughout the homeownership journey.

Workforce capabilities

We will have a diverse and agile workforce whose skills, leadership capabilities, and motivation differentiate us in the marketplace.

Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB)


Target: Overall GDEIB of “Progressive” (4.0) by the end of 2026
Status: On track

Employee engagement score

Target: At or above financial services industry average
Status: Exceeded

Advisor engagement score

Target: 55% to 60% by the end of 2026
Status: On track

Target status
If the target is due in 2026, terminology is "above expectations", "on track", or "below expectations". If the target is due in the current reporting year, terminology is "exceeded", "achieved", or "not achieved".